The Last Frontier

A journey into true connection in the workplace.

Pass the jungle of conflicting priorities.

Up the mountain of expectations. 

Down to the quagmire of misunderstandings.

Through the sinuous path of assumptions.

Across the river of disappointments.

Around the pit of legacy.

Into the quicksand of process.

Beyond the luring mirages of KPIs and dashboards.

Meeting after meeting, 

Navigating the journey into modern day management requires an explorer mindset.

“How can we survey such daunting territory?”, asked the Mouse.

You need a map, a compass, and a guide. The map is your experience. The compass, your sense of purpose. And the guide, a member of the group you consider to be your community. 

Your passport is your skills. Practicality and effectiveness as stamina to cover the distance. Anthropological knowledge, to decipher the work culture. Facilitation skills to converse with people of all backgrounds.  

Finally, you need faith to believe this is all worth it. That your productivity and skill set will help people open their door to you, and that they will let you in for your empathy. That your candid outlook on what remains a human enterprise will be rewarded by true connections, however fleeting or fragile. 

True connection is the gold at the end of the treasure hunt. The gift of humanity we bring to others, only to receive an invitation to reflect on our own intimate journey and get back on track.

Pass the jungle of conflicting priorities…

Baptiste Raymond - 02/2022.


Practice with Presence


It is Lonely at the Top