• Tusker Club helps leaders reconcile their profound aspirations with their demands, and helps organisations balance their practices with underlying social contracts.

    Our holistic approach blends advisory and talent development services, with thought leadership and collaborative projects that address societal challenges.

    We leverage a proven mix of conflict resolution and management experience, supported by a curated network of 15 top-tier experts and practitioners. Along with our proprietary methodology, we reframe challenges, evaluate their significance, and set targets to foster lasting and sustainable success.

  • We are inspired by elephants, as they convey quiet strength. They have no predators and are predators to none: they embody the collaborative leadership that is needed to address the current leadership crisis.

    The “tuskers” are the most seasoned members of an elephant tribe, just like our people. With the Club, we ambition to create a safe space for reflection, collaboration, and action.

  • Tusker Club is for individuals and organisations that struggle to navigate the current leadership crisis stemming from ever-changing priorities, short-term results, unilateral perspectives and background noise. Rallying around shared values, we act as a steward for their vision, and a facilitator for their ambitions.

  • We propose several pre-packaged interventions at fixed prices. We align with our clients on the delivery approach and timing, but we do not charge by the hour / day.

    Our executive advisory service requires an annual subscription, as well as some of our solutions for change-makers.

    Whoever you are, whatever our business relationship, we will be there when you need us, and there is no bad surprise at the end of our collaboration.

  • We work with a curated network of experts and practitioners invited to join us based on the excellence of their track record, the singularity of their personality, and the relevance of the unique messages on leadership and management that they have forged over time.

    As different as they are, their excellence is only matched by their kindness: this is why we refer to them as “people who choose to be kind”, or “skills and soul without a best-and-brightest attitude”.

  • Leveraging over a decade of conflict resolution and management experience, we have designed several frameworks and tools that help address classic management challenges (eg. target-setting, or team management).

    All are designed to improve awareness on the skills, processes, or perceptions that affect decision-making, so that people can provide their own answer to the central question of management: what is a ‘good’ decision?

  • We understand that case studies help prospective business partners understand what we do, and more importantly, how we work. However, whether you lead thousands or just yourself, we protect the confidentiality of your endeavours, as we understand that your vision and mission is what drives you intimately.

    If you wish to know more about our work, please get in touch. We will share what is possible and relevant, and we are also proud to let others speak for us. Our clients are our best ambassadors. When possible, we will make sure you can hear it from them, directly.

  • Sadly not. But go Tusker!

Our turn…

What keeps you up at night?