The Decision-Making Compass

Our proprietary methodology combines conflict resolution expertise and management experience to help you make decisions that are relevant and meaningful.

A mindset turned into a methodology

Your strategy is a social contract

Recognising the fundamental political dimension of your business decisions will help you thrive sustainably.

All decisions contain a trade-off between efficiency vs. legitimacy

‘Good’ strategies aim for performance without overlooking perceived fairness.

“How” is more important than “what”

There is so much we learn by doing: trusting the process will help you secure the biggest prize in the long-run.

When stuck, change perspective

Your stakeholders are resourceful: create a safe space to tap into their knowledge and experience.

There is no such thing as a “good” solution

You are part of an ecosystem: what ‘good’ is, is a matter of perception and depends on the relational dynamics at play.

It’s “good” only when others can justify it to yourself

If you want ambassadors, you need to embrace their perspective too.

Our Compass helps you achieve the ‘4Cs’

  • Clarity

    Diagnostics without blind spots.
    (our strategy assessment tool)

  • Consistency

    Ambitious targets owned by all.
    (our target-setting process)

  • Convergence

    Constructive team dynamics.
    (our decision-maker archetypes)

  • Consciousness

    Balanced corporate cultures.
    (our cultural audit tool)

How it works.

Every decision you make is the opportunity to balance functional and cultural needs. Don’t miss it.

 Get in touch today