Team Success

Improve decision-making in uncertainty.

Our Invitation

Tackle Your Decisions as a Negotiation

  • How to address blind spots?

    Come to grips with what affects the effectiveness of your decision-making under uncertainty.

  • How to streamline decision-making?

    Empower team-members according to their role in the decision-making process.

  • How to improve ownership over decisions?

    Learn to engage with other decision-making cultures.

  • How to be resilient in a VUCA world?

    Develop a doctrine and make it the source of your collective charisma.

Our Offer

We equip teams with the mindset, capacities, and tools they need to improve decision-making, by leveraging our proprietary methodology and unique experience at the nexus of management and conflict resolution in high intensity / high stakes environments.

  • Our Decision-Maker Archetypes and Conscious Leadership Compass will help your team understand the value of collaboration to unlock individual leadership potentials to achieve collective impact.

  • Learn from top-tier negotiators how to manage the “3Ps” (People, Problem, Process) simultaneously to boost innovation, problem-solving, delivery, and influence.

  • Build your capacities with first-class trainings and gain perspective with conferences on game-changing issues and trends delivered by our Fellows.

  • We will help you become a great team by overcoming internal and external conflicts and developing resilience to shape a culture.

How it works

Leverage the best we have to offer


Define your needs

We conduct a diagnostic of your team dynamics and feed it back to you in full confidentiality.


Commit to change

We design targeted workshops by leveraging our full suite of resources (methodology, Fellows…).


Follow up for impact

We provide situational coaching or management support as long as it is useful.

 Get in touch today