Our signature leadership program helps established leaders and rising stars navigate uncertainty more effectively and thoughtfully.

Skills&Soul Philosophy

Closing the Gap between Personal and Professional Development


Young leaders from diverse leadership cultures who are committed to self-improvement and selfless leadership.


A signature one-year program (12 days commitment in total) including two retreats, travel abroad, and a “secret mission.”


For leaders, more than getting out of their comfort zone, navigating uncertainty means shaping a culture.

  • Address blind spots

    Come to grips with what affects the effectiveness of your decision-making under uncertainty.

  • Build leadership skills

    Develop your ability to reframe challenges, manage stress, rally support, and tell your story.

  • Become more agile

    Explore other decision-making cultures and improve your ability to work in multicultural environments.

  • Develop charisma

    Hone your leadership style, communicate effectively and promote a culture.

Four Levers to Develop Your Leadership

01. Leadership Workshops: e.g., join LtGeneral (ret.) Yakovleff on the LifeDive workshop.

02. Training & Case Studies: learn from unique experiences with those who lived them.

03. Individual & Group Coaching: team-up with other participants and enjoy monthly coaching.

04. Exposure and Impact: take on a real mission commissioned by decision-makers and pitch them.

LtGen. (ret.) Michel Yakovleff - former vice-Chief-of-staff, SHAPE.

“The time it takes leaders to take a decision is not affected by tools or technology but by their relation to risk and uncertainty.”

How it works

Next program: October 2024



Send a video presenting yourself and your view on leadership by September 10, 2024.


Hone your style

Take our decision-maker assessment test and build your own leadership compass.


Join a community

Build relationships for a lifetime by sharing unique experiences and a generous vision.

 Get in touch today