
We aim to catalyse other approaches to leadership that resonate with ours.
Every year, Tusker Club members choose one project to support.

2024 Project: “Les Marins du Désert”

Four first-year students of the French Naval Academy will run 120 km in the Moroccan desert with a sailor wounded in action, in support of other military personnel wounded in action.

Running at the pace of the slowest member of the group is the epitome of culture. We are proud to support this group of driven service-men in their noble endeavour.

Pitch a Project

2023 Project: “10 000 coffrets d’écrivain-e pour Noël”

The EdTech Plume initiated a project to provide 10 000 reading and writing kits to underserved communities for free. With the support of 28 partners and 5 associations, they reached 26 000 children! And the operation is renewed in 2024…

Language is the first tool toward autonomy and leadership. We are proud to have supported the provision of 100 kits to children, so that they could learn the words they need to describe and thrive in the world.

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